Wednesday 12 February 2014

WOW!  What an exciting day I've had in the Early Education Program.  The children in Mrs. Bilinski's classroom are certainly an active bunch.  And smart too!!  They began their day in the gym, so I hung out at the classroom and had a little nap. The special day helper (Blakely) made sure I was fed and watered before they headed off!

I pretended to still be asleep as I listened to the children during calendar time on the carpet.  They sang songs for the days of the week and the weather for the day.  They counted all the way to eleven, and figured out the pattern on the numbers.  They also played a game called "Headbanz" in which the children had to give clues to a friend to help determine what the picture was.  I was amazed that these little people could give such great hints without giving the picture away! 

When they were finished with circle time, Mrs. Bilinski explained all about me to the children.  She asked them not to make loud noises or sudden moves so I wouldn't be scared.  I was then taken out of my cage for a "meet" & "greet" session. All the children sat nicely as Mrs. Bilinski gently carried me to say "hello" to each one.  What good listeners they were!

While the children busied themselves doing a craft activity, I scurried around the room in my ball.  I explored all the different centres the children play at after snack time.  Boy, they sure do have a lot of fun in this room! 

Speaking of snack time, I enjoyed a delicious snack of seeds & pistachios while the boys & girls ate with friends at the tables.

With snack time all done, it was time for me to return to the safe confines of my deluxe accomodations for some much needed rest!  As I drifted off to dreamland, I heard sounds of playful laughter from within the room!  Good bye to all my friends in the EEP!  I'm off on another adventure!!

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