Tuesday 4 February 2014

Mrs. Brown

WOW!  Although I was pretty exhausted from my morning in Mrs. Ridder’s class I had a great afternoon in Mrs. Brown’s class.  The students were learning more about hamsters, and me, of course!  The students watched a couple of really neat videos on the Smart Board.  Since I felt tired I just peeked out of the corner of one eye but the light from the Smart Board was blinding, almost like the overhead projector that I used to try to get Aldo to read the ad about the Moonlighters Club.  Hmmm!  I wonder if Aldo has figured that out yet.  Anyway, the Smart Board sure seemed huge but maybe because the room is smaller.  Mrs. Brown and her students were going to take me out for awhile but realized I really needed some rest so they decided to do some work first.  While I rested I learned that they are going to put some pictures and information in the hallway on the bulletin board.  It’s going to be all about hamsters.  I really don’t know what a bulletin board is but hopefully I’ll find out.

Just before recess I had a chance to go in my new ball and I explored everywhere in Mrs. Brown’s room.  I really liked going under her desk and back and forth to the students.  They were very excited but treated me with kindness.  I really like that.  Then I heard Mrs. Brown say it was time to return me to my home.  I was HAPPY – HAPPY – HAPPY to hear that as I was STARVING!  Once back in my home I went straight to my food dish.  Yum!  Now … I’m totally ready for a nap.  Talk to you soon.  J

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