Monday 3 February 2014


It was a fun morning in the office.  van Son is pretty quiet so I could sleep and rest most of the morning.  I had to get all the rest I could because I knew that I wouldn't be getting ANY sleep over the weekend.  Ms Sheldrup was taking me home and I overheard something in the office.  (There are LOTS of things going on in the office)  Do you know what I discovered?  MS SHELDRUP HAS TWO DOGS!  Not one, but two!  How was a little guy like me supposed to RELAX at that house?  The weekends are for hangin' out and chillin'.  But how can you do that if you are afraid for your life?
Things started out pretty smoothly.  Ms Sheldrup was kind enough to introduce me properly to her dogs.  They seem to have pretty good manners.  But most dogs behave themselves when their owner is near.  I was worried about them when Ms Sheldrup was in another room.  Because when you're "the most important person in the school"  you DON'T get the weekends off.  I know that Ms Scheldrup would have work to do.

I am on my guard.  These cute puppy eyes don't fool me.  Ava may seem uninterested, but you just wait!

This is D.O.G.  Yep, "dog".  Ms Sheldrup wasn't too oringinal when naming this one.  I think she may have issues because of her name.  I'll have to look out and not turn my back on her.
The weekend started out pretty well.  I was safe inside my cage and those dogs were on the other side.  I tried to tell Ms Sheldrup that I wouldn't be needing any other excercise, I would just run in my cage because I DID NOT want to be out in the world with D.O.G. and Ava.  They may look small to you, but they are GIANTS to me.  But she wouldn't listen to me. She put me in the ball and I became another doggy toy to those two dogs! 
Just my luck, the incriminating video I took to show you the horrible way they were treating my won't upload.  But they were TO-TO-TO PUSHY!

I thought that I needed to teach those dogs some manners.  I needed my space, they didn't need to hover so closely to me.  I may be small, but that doesn't mean you can push me around.  (Really, they were literally PUSHING ME around in my ball).
What Ms Sheldrup didn't know was: my ball has a "pop-off top".  It's not supposed to pop off.  But I nibbled on it and now it does not close tightly.  SHHH-SHHH-SHHH.  That's our little secret!  While I was rolling around, I just needed a little breather from those pups.  When Ms Sheldrup wasn't looking, I poped off the top-that-doesn't-click and ESCAPED. 
Whe Ms Sheldrup came back into the kitchen she was surprised to say the learst.  Actually, I think she was a little bit terrified.
"I lost Humphrey!" she said.  "How am I going to tell 500 students that I lost Humphrey?"
I felt a little BAD-BAD-BAD for tricking her, but those dogs had to go!  It was me or them!  Of course, Ms Scheldup chose me and put those dogs in the basement. 
I didn't come out right away.  I was tired and I fell asleep in my hiding spot.  Those puppies wore me out!

Ms Sheldrup thinks I hid here, but I'll never tell!
When I woke up all was quiet.  It was late and I felt bad that I made Ms Scheldrup worry.  After all its not her fault her dogs are curious.  They probably had never seen an animal as handsome as me before.  I was hungry and wondered what I was going to eat.  I carefully crept out of my hiding spot and cautiously looked around.  D.O.G. and Ava were no where to be found.  Ms Scheldrup had left my cage open.  That was so nice of her.  She doesn't know that my cage has the-lock-that-doesn't-lock.  I was safely inside when Ms Sheldrup woke up the next morning.  GOOD-GOOD-GOOD for me is she didn't put me in my ball again for the rest of the weekend.  BAD-BAD-BAD is that she bought me a new ball and this one doesn't have a top-that-doesn't-click.  I guess I'll have to find a new way to escape and continue my adventures at Galbraith.